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NCC  ( National Cadet Corps)

The National Cadet Corps is an Indian Military cadet Corps with its Headquarters at New Delhi,India.It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis.NCC is a tri-Service Organisation comprising the Army,Navy and Air Force,engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens.The NCC in India is a voluntary organisation which recruits cadets from high school ,colleges and universities all over India.The cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades.The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course.The NCC cadets of Swami Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya,Mohanpur under Captain Dr Nirmal Bhadra has adopted the village of Fatickcherra nearby the college campus for its cleaning purpose under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 2018.




   Activities of NCC 2024.


NCC won 2nd position in Cultural Dance and football match 2024.

World Environment Day 2024

                   Cricket Tournament 2024

  International Yoga  Day 2024




   Celebration ceremony of "Best College Award For NCC 2024".


                                    Best college award 1, Best college award 2, Best college award 3.

                                    NCC Brochure 2024.

                            NCC Activities 2023-24.

                           NCC Activities 2023-24.

                               Report of NCC Activities 2023.

                              World AIDS Day 2

                                 Newsletter 2023.

                              Celebration of NCC Day 2023.

                        Report of Ek Tarikh Ek Ghanta activities of 01.10.2023.




                   Activities of NCC Unit 2023-2024 (Open PDF)      

             A popular talk on "G20 & North East India-Hopes and aspirations"   on 6th April 2023 Organized by Dept of NCC

               A popular talk on "G20 & North East India-Hopes and aspirations"   on 6th April 2023 Organized by Dept of NCC under the aegis of IQAC,SVM,Mohanpur..

             Notice on A popular talk on 06.04.2023

              Achievements and Awards of NCC 2022. (Open PDF)

             Activities of NCC 2022. (Open PDF)

             Activities of NCC Unit 2022- (Open PDF)

             Webinar on  National Integration  on 14.08.2021 by NCC Unit.

             Liveable Environment and the role of cadets.

             Liveable Environment and the role of cadets.

         Activities of NCC Unit 2020-21- (Open PDF)


 NCC Activities of the college 2015- 2018:-



  2.   National Webinar on  National Education Policy 2020 on 14.10.2020 by NCC Unit.

   3  NCC Activities of the college 2021:-